Regenerative medicine with HIFU technology (point and linear) is a technology that uses the so-called “heat therapy” as a rejuvenating power of the skin by stimulating to produce collagen and elastin. The effect that is obtained is an improvement of the lower third of the face and then a kind of “lifting” effect with a lifting of the cheeks and chin with reduction of geniene nose wrinkles.
There are no side effects of swelling, bruising, folliculitis or burns during treatment and even after no disruption of social life.
You can do it whenever you want, even during the summertime, and regardless of the work you do. We are in the field of “Slow age” where the approach of HIFU technology and above all the linear, is currently the most performing.
It is essentially to create the “lines” of heat in such a way as to form a sort of virtual network in support of the sagging of the cheeks and chin, the heat thus created stimulates the collagen that is our “elastic” skin
Through the use of this type of thermal action, remarkable results are easily achieved, such as the improvement of sagging cheeks, the reduction of double chin and neck wrinkles.
Non-invasive, non-surgical does not require anaesthesia: the linear function is distinguished from the traditional Point function (the classic Hifu technology) because it was born to be applied, not only for lifting but also to give more “illuminating” effect acting on both red and brown, thus decreasing both red and brown spots on the face.
How long does the procedure take?
It takes about 25/30 minutes for the complete facial treatment
Can you perform treatment after a botox or filler?
The procedure with UltracelQ+ is recommended to be performed before botox or filler or several months later
How effective is it?
I risultati sono visibili fin da subito e raggiungono il suo massimo da 2/3 mesi e durare in media 12 mesi, in base alla fisiologia e lo stile di vita dei pazienti.
Quanti trattamenti sono necessari?
It depends on the problem of each patient, in any case it is effective even with only one treatment. However, if you want to get better and longer lasting effects, you can perform additional treatments… 1 or 2 treatments per year would be enough on average.
Doctor Filiberto Laverda